Q. what are the determinants of long-term weight gain?
The average person gains about half a kilogram per year.

A. Little things add up. All foods and beverages are NOT created equal in causing weight gain. Equal calories does not cause equal results and fat is not the issue. Some foods cause some gain (refined grains white bread potatoes white rice processed and unprocessed red meat). Some foods are neutral (low fat dairy whole fat milk cheese). Some foods lead to weight loss (fruit vegetables whole grains yoghurts nuts).

Q. what drives the feelings of hunger and fullness?

A. Research continuing but the quality of the carbohydrates is very important. The glycaemic index is a good guide.

If you eat a high glycaemic index breakfast you’re likely to eat much more later.

Potatoes and refined grains are equivalent to eating sugar.

Q. what part do exercise sleep TV watching play?

A. The effect of diet is 2-3 times larger than physical activity. Low physical activity is implicated in weight gain.

Sleep duration of less than 6 hours a night is implicated in weight gain. It leads to eating “comfort foods”.

TV watching is implicated in weight gain especially in children. It operates through two mechanisms: snacking while watching TV and watching TV advertisements that promote eating something.

Source: ABC RN Science Show