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Dear {usertag:name}

Sunday 27th November 10:30am All Saints Anglican Church Cobbity Crescent Ferny Hills under the auspices of Angligreen.

Angligreen held a ‘Say Yes’ morning tea last month with a group discussion about the carbon tax and climate change.

The fifteen people present all participated in a lively discussion not all agreeing but it was an informative and respectful sharing and learning from each other.

At the end the discussion seemed to have a lot more energy to keep going so the group agreed to hold further discussions on this general topic.

This second discussion meeting will be held after the morning church service at All Saints around 10:30am. Ann Ellis of Angligreen will lead the group.

Anyone who wants to come along and join in the discussion is most welcome. Talking together is a great way to clarify and come to terms with some otherwise challenging topics.

Look forward to seeing you there.


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