Keeping off sugar is the most powerful weight loss measure I’ve found.

Definitely does NOT mean artificial sweeteners instead.

It is getting off sweet. Not trying to get sweet in other ways but weaning off the sweet taste.

No white sugar.
No sweet biscuits cakes…
No sweet sauces (most sauces have sugar in)
No soft drinks or cordials.
No brown sugar or molasses.
No honey.
No icecream
None of the myriads of foods that have sugar added (half the supermarket!)

But then there is the next layer of foods that aren’t sugar but turn into sugar rapidly in our blood:
Savoury biscuits
Potato crisps etc.

And the alcoholic beverages:
Wine and spirits

And even all the highly bred fruits that are massive fructose sugar hits:
Plums peaches apricots apples pears

Hmmm. Clearly there is a question of how far you want to go with this. And also how far you can go without ending up with nothing left to eat!

I walked around the supermarket and there isn’t much choice at the end of the day once you start leaving sugar out.

But leaving it out completely is the EASY way to go – it works to deal with addiction which is what sugar has become. None at all is much easier than some a “little” – doesn’t work.