The Amnesty International 50th year celebration picnic at Ironbark Gully was great.

Ironbark Gully is looking splendid at the moment after all the rain – and we had it virtually to ourselves.

There was a good turn-up – good to see. Wayne is very keen to get a chapter of Amnesty going here in the North West of Brisbane.

Conversations ranged widely: Invictus the movie; paedophilia; restorative justice; a distressing experience of Australian police aggessiveness and lack of courtesy; the CMC; Tracey’s talk about Maria Gillespie; Amnesty’s current two campaigns which are both domestic (refugees indigenous rights); refugees in our community.

Amnesty is running a very grassroots campaign about refugees and having workshops that people can attend on why people become refugees.

Wayne is co-ordinating the Amnesty Conference on Indigenous Rights.

Think we’ll be hearing more of this group locally.

Justice is a foundational topic. It affects us all. When it works well we might not give it a moment’s thought but when it goes wrong it destroys our lives.