The school opened on 27 April 1987 and was founded by Mignon Weber Mont Dip (AMI). The original site of the school was in Arana Hills. Mignon was Director of the school for 21 years and now assists at the school on a regular basis. In 2008 the school moved to its new site in Mitchelton and changed its name to The Hills Montessori Children’s School. The school remains a single unit multi-age school catering for 24 children in Cycle One (ages 3-6 years).
The Hills Montessori Children’s School[/url] is privately owned and is licensed under the Child Care Act 2002.

Director: Ms Adelle de Zilva is a registered and qualified early childhood teacher who is currently studying the Montessori diploma (MWEI).

Teacher: Mrs Carol Callaghan is a registered and qualified primary teacher with more than 30 years experience including MWEI Montessori qualifications.

Assistants: Mrs Mignon Weber holds a Montessori diploma (AMI). Mrs Chrizadelle de Zilva is a former Montessori Assistant with a Certificate in Early Childhood (and Preschool).

The school operates five days a week from 9.00am until 2.30pm each day. Children may enroll for the 2 day program (Monday and Tuesday) the 3 day program (Monday Tuesday and Wednesday) or the 5 day program.

43 Nicholson Street Mitchelton Q 4053
Office telephone: 3855 3300