A Get Directions Google Maps search gave the one-way distance from our house in central Ferny Grove to 50 Kuran St Chermside as a 30 minutes 14.2km drive (via Rode Rd). One hour and 28.4km return journey to go and do one hour of Tai Chi.
How much petrol is that? About 3 litres.

The trip to Walton Bridge Park in The Gap would take 19 minutes and 9.1kms each way driving in a car (so 38 minutes and 18.2kms return journey and about 2 litres of petrol.

We have lots of excellent fitness providers in our upper Kedron Brook valley community. There is absolutely no reason why fitness programs for the over-50s can’t be organised here.

We don’t have the luxury of pretending we will be able to keep driving 10 kilometres every time we want to do a fitness class much longer.There is nothing at all resilient about a fitness program for seniors based on such long journeys in cars.

10 generations of my ancestors lived within small regions of Kent and moved distances much less than this in their whole lives.

The US Armed Forces (and also Germany and Britain) are giving urgent and serious attention to planning for oil supplies running into a brick wall by 2012. We urgently need Brisbane City Council building peak oil into planning too.