Read somewhere a suggestion that asthma was partially a problem of dehydration and insufficient salt.

The idea was that salt is needed in the process of releasing mucus in the bronchial tubes and water is needed to hydrate the mucus and make it lose and easy to cough up.

The suggestion was to drink 8 glasses of water a day NOT including water consumed in tea coffee cola.. In fact the instruction was to add an extra glass of water for each glass of tea coffee cola consumed.

And the other part was to have a minimum of half a teaspoon of salt a day. For some people they will readily get that through their food but for others they’ll need to take salt to get it.

I found this water and salt formula did give my breathing a very marked improvement and it showed up clearly on a visit to the GP when she measured my breathing on her meter and it came up perfect!!!

Certainly some salt and a lot of water make it a lot easier to cough up gunk and clear the lungs.

The biggest problem I found with this approach was I was drinking tap water and I just couldn’t cope with the quality of the water drunk in that amount. (We don’t have a water purifier).

I have since reasoned that a part of the process of making tea and coffee is boiling the water which must help with two aspects of purifying it:

[ul]Bubbles out the chlorine
Kills most of the organisms in the water[/ul]

I’ve started saving boiled water and letting it cool down to become purified drinking water. And now summer is here having salt instead of getting it indirectly through pies.