Tranistion The Grove - Energy Group (banner)
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Dear {usertag:name}

Greetings all Transition The Grove Energy Groupies

Primarily this is about organising an Energy Group meeting sometime in March. There are plenty of things on which to think talk and act.

Firstly thanks to Maria Hill for arranging access to the Ferny Grove State High School resource centre for our meeting. So that’s the venue. Thanks Maria!

What about the date? Usually these meetings have been 4:00pm to 6:00pm on a Sunday but it is probably time to review this and pick the date that suits the most members. So could I trouble you to participate in a simple poll that will allow you to indicate the dates you prefer and the dates when you are definitely not available. Let’s assume it will be an evening meeting.

To vote you will have to log-in to the web-site as a registered member. Why?
Well while I don’t want to make this more complex than it needs to be we do take seriously our commitment to protect member’s privacy. That commitment requires that the identity of members is known only to other members of the same subgroup. Email addresses of course are never revealed. The voting link is at the bottom of this page.

So what about the meeting Agenda? If you have any items to add please feel free to send me an email SMS to (0432 478 703) or give me a call on 3851 1016.

The items I had in mind to discuss are:

  1. This weekend (26 27 February) I have committed to attending the Beyond Zero Emissions training course. I’m sure that it will provide a lot of information to share at the meeting.
  2. I am hoping that our Clean Up Australia Day site on 6 March will be an effective outreach to the local community that will recruit new members some of whom will be interested in our energy future. By having a meeting scheduled in March we have an ‘impending event’ to which we can invite folks we might talk to on CUA Day.
  3. I have a longer term vision to organise a Transition The Grove Alternative Energy Expo which will take a lot of preparation and planning that would be good to get started.

So to get started please click here to log-in and vote for your preferred meeting date.

It would be really great to get your vote as quickly as possible so that we can finalise the date before CUA Day (6 March) so that we can invite prospective new members to a definite event.

Obviously we won’t be able to ‘please all of the people all of the time‘ but will do our best.


John Tennock

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