Delightful afternoon – J. (Grandad) got extremely busy wrapping lots of tiny presents for the grandchildren each in its own carefully measured piece of Christmas paper. After a little we both settled down together wrapping presents.

All the bits of colourful wrapping paper carefully stored along with interesting little boxes ribbons Christmas labels. They all got dragged out of the top cupboard and most of them got used. The cupboard that had been bulging now has room to start another year.

Presents that would have to go in the post needed boxes and a lot of bubble wrap. The big store of bubble wrap also carefully saved through the year and kept in a box in the garage got dug into copiously along with cardboard boxes of ‘the right size’.

The presents for the grandchildren in Brisbane went under the Christmas tree. The children will poke and long over them but they’ll only have a little while to wait. It’ll seem long enough though. The rest will be sent.