[u]Hands elbows shoulders eyes[/u]

These exercises are inspired by two ladies. One did the graphics for Evolution’s Edge and her hands have RSI from all the fine mouse work. The other has brain damage from a horse-riding accident and is gradually recovering her movement.

This exercise takes about an hour best done in bed in the early hours of the morning. It is quite a difficult set of exercises to be taken very slowly gently and carefully.

Lying on one side with neck well supported by a pillow start with the hand on the top side. Begin by paying attention to one finger at a time taking as long as it needs.

Extend the finger through the joint that joins it to the hand lengthening through the joint. Do this over and over. Notice the angle of the hand at the wrist. Get it lined up with the fingers. Gradually add in another finger and extend it through the joint that joins it to the hand.

Turn over and repeat with the other hand.

Lying on one side with neck well supported by a pillow (I use a round cushion full of polystyrene balls) place palms of the hands together with fingers pointing in the opposite direction towards the wrists. Hold thumbs firmly in against sides of hands. Note that there are two ways to have hands like this – the hand for the arm that is on top can be either on the outside with the thumb pointing up or the inside with the thumb pointing down. During the exercise explore each way.

Now lift the elbow that is on top with the palms together. Explore the shoulder using tiny movements which can include tiny rhythmic bounces. Keep palms together and wrists in line with hands gradually opening the shoulder joint right up. Where there are tense clutched muscles don’t push through them. Just explore around gradually finding relaxed pathways through lengthening and exploring to find the effortless movements.


Change sides and repeat with the other arm on top.


Turn over and now have the palms together with fingers facing in the same direction. Open up the elbow on top and press gently but firmly into the finger tips opening out the finger joints. Also press into the under sige of the elbow extending the muscles on the underneath of the upper arm. Gradually explore the shoulder and elbow lengthening opening up with tiny rhythmic movements. This will likely lengthen the side of the body too. It can release tension in the eye muscles too as the finger joints open up.


Turn over and repeat with the other arm on top.


Use one hand to fold in and clutch the fingers of the other hand tight. Swap hands.
