Transition The Grove Banner
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Dear {usertag:name}

This is to give notice of the first Annual General Meeting of Transition The Grove Inc.
When: Sunday 25 September 7:00pm
Where: Ferny Grove State High School Resource Centre

Proposed Agenda (As required by the constitution).

  1. Receiving the association’s financial statement and audit report for the last reportable financial year
  2. Presenting the financial statement and audit report to the meeting for adoption
  3. Electing office-holders and members of the management committee
  4. Appointing an auditor or an approved person for the present financial year
  5. Receiving a report from the president on the year’s progress on the EDAP and projects and activities of the association
  6. Other Business.

Nomination forms for the management committee can be downloaded here. If you wish to nominate yourself or somebody else please print this form complete the details and mail it to: PO Box 471 Ferny Hills DC QLD 4055.

Nominations must be received no later than 11 September 2011.

A copy of the constitution is available here for your information.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


John Tennock
President 2010/11 

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