Australian Bureau of Statistics show consistent growth in the proportion of children engaged in organised sport or dance up from 64% in 2000 to 69% last year. The jump has been greatest for 12-14 year old boys with 75% currently participating in sport and/or dancing compared to 69% in 2000. Girls’ interest ir organised sport/dance grew from 61% to 67%.

Swimming remains the most popular organised sport in Australia growing from 14% to 19%.

Dance is second soccer 3rd with greater interest from girls.

The average number of hours children spent in front of TV fell from 22 hours a week in 2000 to 17 hours last year.

The message of the potential dangers of childhood obesity has hit home in the community and as children get older that potential danger shifts from obesity to drugs.

Participation in bike riding fell from 64% to 60% no doubt driven by fears over traffic safety.

[While these figures are for Australia in general not our valley they could be representative because we do have a big sport and dance involvement here.]