[u]Toes ankles shoulders neck[/u]

Sitting up (?in bed) with legs out flat in front.

Start by pointing toes and clenching toes on both feet tight. If cramping occurs aim to stay with the pain and work it through but if it becomes too intense let go.

Now work with one foot only. Point and clench toes and start moving the ankle from side to side holding toes clenched.
Now add in head and shoulders: Initially turn head and shoulders in the [u]same[/u] direction as the pointing clenched toe. The shoulders move back and forward and rotate somewhat – the shoulder that is moving in the same direction as the toe moves back the other forward. Move slowly with deep attention (in toes ankle shoulders neck). The most important thing is to be aware of the feelings in these joints. Don’t go into pain (back off from it) except cramping in the toes.

Swap sides to work the other foot and toes.

Now repeat the toe point and clench and moving the ankle from side to side but follow it with the [u]opposite[/u] shoulder and turning head in the opposite direction to the pointing clenched toe.

When one side is worked thoroughly swap sides.