Phytates Grains Pulses

Here is a suggestion from The Hills PCYC:
Go Grain Free
No – not carb free…if you have ever tried to have a conversation with a person who is “carb” free you will understand that carbs are actually vital in rational thought processes.
Grains play havoc with digestion and their proteins actually cause in…rances in one in four people. But be warned…they’re addictive so you may have cravings for a few days…
So what is the problem with grains?
One of the villains is phytic acid (phytates). Here is an article about phytic acid.
Living with Phytic Acid in our Diets by Nagel Ramiel in Nexus August-September 2010 p33-38 p81-82
Phytic acid occurs in grains nuts seed and legumes and represents a serious problem in our diets.
We eat a lot of “whole foods” and raw foods high in phytates. Raw is definitely not nature’s way for grains nuts seeds legumes and even some tubers like yams nor is quick cooking or rapid heat processing such as extrusion.
Phytic acid readily binds to minerals such as calcium magnesium iron and zinc and blocks the phosphorus in the food from being bioavailable. It inhibits enzymes that we need to digest food including pepsin needed to break down proteins amylase to break down starches and trypsin for protein digestion in the small intestine.
Resulting health problems include tooth decay nutrient deficiencies lack of appetite and digestive difficulties.
Up to 80% of the phosphorus vital to make strong bones and for good health in grains is locked up in unusable phytates. When a diet includes more than a small amount of phytate you lose calcium from your body.
We absorb ~20% more zinc and 60% more magnesium from our food when phytate is absent.
Phytates are much higher in foods grown using modern high-phosphate fertilisers than in natural compost.
High phytic acid levels over weeks and months can be very problematic.
The advice to eat bran or high-fibre foods containing different types of bran is a recipe for severe bone loss and intestinal problems due to the high phytic acid content.
In populations where cereal grains provide a major source of calories rickets and osteoporosis are common. In growing children it can lead to poor bone growth short stature rickets narrow jaws tooth decay anaemia mental retardation (the last two from lack of zinc and iron).
Phytates use up Vitamin D. Vitamin D mitigates against the harmful effects of phytates. If the diet contains a lot of phytates calcium and Vitamin D need to be added. Sourdough and cheese go well together.
High phytate diets lead to a lot of calcium excretion.
Growth of healthy bones requires a diet high in vitamin D absorbable calcium and absorbable phosphorus and low in unabsorbable calcium (supplements pasteurised dairy) and unabsorbable phosphorus (phytates).
To bring the phytate content of your diet to the absolute minimum add freshly ground rye flour or a sourdough rye culture to rolled or cut oats cornmeal lrice and other low-phytase grains then soak in an acidic medium – preferably water with whey yoghurt or sour milk added – on a hot plate to bring the temperature up to about 38degreesC.
Enjoy well-fermented sourdough bread with a piece of raw-milk cheese lots of butter and a slice of meat of your choice.
While whole grains contain more minerals in the end equal of lower amounts of minerals are absorbed in comparison with white flour and white rice.
Absorbable calcium from bone broths and raw dairy products and vitamin D from certain animal fats can reduce the adverse effects of phytic acid.
Adding Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can significantly counteract inhibition of iron assimilation by phytic acid. Add some collard greens.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene form a complex with iron keeping it soluble and preventing the inhibitory effect of phytates on iron absorption.
Phytase is the enzyme that neutralises phytic acid and liberates the phosphorus. It co-exists in plant food with phytic acid.
Humans do not produce enough phytase to consume large quantities of high-phytate foods safely on a regular basis.
Probiotic lactobacilli and other species of endogenous digestive microflora can produce phytase. Increased production of phytase by the gut microflora explains why some people can adjust to a high-phytate diet.
Sprouting activates phytase thus reducing phytic acid content with no significant reduction in nutritional value.
Phytase is destroyed by heat (~55degrees C and up). Thus extrusion completely destroys all phytase. All-bran cereal is thus very high in phytic acid and all of its phytase is destroyed by processing a recipe for digestive problems and mineral deficiencies. High temperature grinding freezing or long storage also destroy it.
Acid soaking for considerable time before cooking is needed to activate phytase and let it do its work.
Phytates should be lowered as much as possible ideally to 25mg or less per 100g.
Soaking grains and flour in an acid medium at a very warm temperature (as in the sourdough process) also activates phytase and reduces or even eliminates phytic acid.
Malting (soaking and sprouting) grains do not eliminate phytic acid completely.
With legumes peanuts chick peas lentils pigeon pea black-eyed beans sprouting is the most effective way to reduce phytic acid. Germination is more effective at higher temperatures. They also need to be soaked (without soaking as well regular consumption leads to excess intake of phytic acid).
Sourdough fermentation of wheat and rye works best. Sourdough fermentation of whole wheat flour for 4 hours at 35degrees C led to a 60% reduction in phytic acid. The addition of malted grains and baker’s yeast increased this reduction to 92-98%.
An excess of 800mg of phytic acid/day is probably not a good idea. Problems arise when whole grains and legumes become the major dietary sources of calories when eery meal contains more than one whole grain product or when over-reliance is placed on nuts or legumes. Unfermented soy products extruded whole grains cereals rice cakes baked granola raw muesli and other high phytate foods should be strictly avoided.
Not all grain (corn millet oats brown rice) contains enough phytase to eliminate the phytate even when properly prepared.
Food Phytates / phytic acid Phytase enzyme Treatment
Brown rice High 1.6% dry weight Lacks Remove bran; sour at a very warm temperature (~32 degrees C) for at least 16 hours preferably 24 hours. Best to use a starter. Can add a little fresh whey lemon juice or vinegar. Drain rinse and cook. White rice is less anti-calcifying.
White rice Low Also low nutrient
Nuts High. High inhibitory effect on absorption of iron. Soaking for 18 hours dehydrating at very low temperature in a warm oven then roasting or cooking. Avoid nut butters nut flours coconut flour.
Lentils Sprout for 3-4 days then soured
Soybeans Very high Highly indigestible unless fermented for long periods
Lima beans Remove hull and bran. Sprout for several days then cook. OR An 96-hour fermentation at ~42degrees C.Soak a minimum of 12 hours drain and rinse several times before cooking. Cooking with a handful of green weed leaves such as dandelion or chickweed can improve mineral assimilation. Adding yeast or effective micro-organisms or kombu seaweed enhances predigestion process of beans. A starter of micro-organisms and cultured molasses for soaking beans can be used.
Sweet potatoes potatoes Little
Yams Enough to cause problems Ferment. Otherwise cook well and consume with plenty of butter and vitamin-C rich foods.
Arrowroot Unknown Ferment if a diet staple. Otherwise cook well and consume with plenty of butter and vitamin-C rich foods.
Wheat (wholemeal flour) High High but destroyed by heat in industrial grinding. Half as much as rye. 14 times as much as rice. Use freshly ground stone-ground flour. Sift bran out of flour before making bread.Soak or sour when freshly ground in a warm environment destroys all phytic acid. Rising bread with yeast may not fully reduce phytic acid. Phytate breakdown is significantly higher in sourdough bread than in yeasted bread.
White flour Low Low nutrients
Oats A large proportion of the phytate resides in the bran. Very little especially after commercial heat treatment. Look for unprocessed Irish or Scottish oats which have not been heated to high temperatures (in some health stores). Malting (sprouting) oats for 5 days at ~11degreesC then soaking for 17 hours at ~49degreesC. Add malted rye to further enhance oat phytate reduction. OR soak in acidulated water 24 hours at~38degreesC using a rye starter. Complement with foods rich in Vitamin D (cod liver oil butter) and absorbable calcium (raw dairy products)A long fermentation before and even after they are cooked.Heat-treated oats may not be healthy to eat regularly.
Pumpkin seeds Extremely high Soak and roast Best to avoid raw seeds
Seeds Highest – 2 to 5 times for even than soybeans
Bran Highest – 2 to 5 times for even than soybeans
Cocoa Extremely high. Also contains irritating tannins
Chocolate More research needed
White-chocolate Little
Coffee Contain phytates
Corn High Low Wrap corn husks for 2 weeks or ferment for long periods of time using a lactobacillus culture. Add a rye starter or rye flour to the soaking water. 10% whole rye flour & soak for 6 hours.
Rye Highest but destroyed by heat in industrial grinding. Twice as much as wheat Use freshly ground stone-ground flour. Sift bran out of flour before making bread. Soak or sour when freshly ground in a warm environment destroys all phytic acid. Rye is a perfect grain to use as a sourdough starter.For those suffering tooth decay bone loss and nutrient deficiencies who need to reduce phytic acid to a minimum rye is the magic ingredient.
Here is what the Heart Foundation says:
The Heart Foundation wants us to eat grains and pulses and they have been one of the prime instigators of the push for more cereals (the base of the food pyramid) in our diet although the food pyramid no longer seems to be on their website.
Healthy eating and drinking is an important part of looking after your heart. This section explains a healthy balanced diet and how you can start now by following our 5 simple tips:
1. Eat a variety of foods.
2. Include vegetables wholegrains fruit nuts and seeds every day.
3. Choose healthier fats and oils.
4. Try to limit sugary fatty and salty take-away meals and snacks.
5. Drink mainly water.
Cereals and cereal foods (bread pasta and noodles)
Cereals are eaten in large amounts and should provide the bulk of your energy (kilojoules) each day so try to eat them at each meal. Choose wholegrain varieties when you can.

Cereal grains include: wheat maize rice barley oats rye and millet. These cereal grains are used to make foods like breakfast cereals bread pasta and noodles.

If you are trying to maintain a healthy weight you might think that cutting out ‘carbs’ or starchy cereal foods like bread and pasta is the best way. However foods in this group are all low in fat and providing you don’t add lots of oil or butter when you’re preparing them you can eat and enjoy them as part of your healthy eating plan.
Why choose wholegrains?
Wholegrain cereals include all the parts of the natural grain. They contain more fibre and other nutrients than white or refined starchy foods. That means they retain all of their nutrients including dietary fibre B vitamins vitamin E and the healthier fats.
Choosing wholegrain options will also help to keep your digestive system healthy.
Here are some of the wholegrains you might like to try:
Whole wheat
Porridge oats
Brown rice
Wild rice
Bulgur/ cracked wheat
How can I add more wholegrains into my meals and snacks?
• Try a wholegrain or high fibre breakfast cereal like rolled oats or porridge for your breakfast.
• Swap white bread for wholemeal. Look for the words ‘wholegrain’ or ‘wholemeal’ on the label.
• Try brown rice instead of white – look for quick-cook brown rice.
• Choose wholemeal crackers instead of flavoured crackers.
• Try wholemeal pasta.

Bread may be a food you and your family eat most regularly. Not all breads are made the same so it’s important to choose the healthier varieties.
What should you look out for?
The Heart Foundation recommends choosing breads that are lower in salt (sodium) and higher in fibre eg. made from wholegrains wholemeal flour and breads that contain seeds. So when comparing nutritional information panels choose breads with sodium 400mg or less per 100g and fibre 4g or more per 100g.

Healthy heart tip
Variety is the key to a balanced diet. When planning your meals for the week make sure you include a variety of foods. If you have pasta one night go for brown rice couscous or potatoes another night. Remember to stay clear of creamy sauces!