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Dear {usertag:name}

Transition The Grove Management Committee

I would like management committee approval for the following proposal to increase the capacity of our web-site to meet emerging needs.

1. We are currently on a plan ($12 per month paid annually $144). For the last few months our website has exceeded our 2000 Mb monthly traffic allowance (bandwidth). When this happens the web-site becomes unavailable and returns an error message to visitors. To avoid this we have been temporarily increasing the allowance at our own expense until the end of the month and then reducing it again. This month the allocation was exceeded today (13 March) so there is still a lot of month to go.

I think we should permanently increase our monthly traffic allowance to 15000 Mb which would increase the cost to $19 per month ($228 paid annually) an increase of $84 per year.

2. In addition to this normal mainly text-based traffic the opportunity to do a regular weekly program on local radio YYY 87.6FM creates a large volume of audio. It takes considerable effort to prepare each week’s program so there is real value in being able to store it and make it available to listen on-line at any time. Our present hosting service is not the appropriate place to do this. They charge higher rates consistent with their higher level of service. Hosting large audio files needs a ‘warehouse’ rather than a ‘retail store’.

We have temporarily ‘borrowed’ some ‘free’ space on the hosting service my son uses but this is not a satisfactory long-term solution.

We have now located a suitable data storage warehouse and tested it by purchasing one month at our own expense. It works extremely well. It is quick and efficient to load download or listen to audio.

I think we should use this service for $78 annually for 100Gb of storage capacity and 100Gb of monthly traffic. (100Gb = 100000Mb).

Hopefully this explanation is sufficient. Would you please therefore vote here to approve additional web-site expenditure of $84 + $78 = $162 annually. Please contact me if you require more information.

Please note also that we have just received $2000 from Asperger Services for web-site services rendered.


John Tennock

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