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Dear {usertag:name}

I have been directing my attention to the Energy group as a community outreach initiative. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about renewable energy ‘out there’ and I think we can engage with the community on the basis of helping them make better informed decisions.

The focal point of this strategy is a mini Energy Expo to be held at Ferny Grove State High School including exhibitors and guest speakers on alternative energy. Planning for this event has established early March 2012 as the preferred date. Planning continues but the event horizon has moved.

In pondering an alternative community outreach initiative for 2011 I am suggesting a Sustainability Film Festival. This would be a series of (say) four films promoting sustainable practices shown over four nights. The advantage of this approach is that we can promote it heavily as a single event but spread it across several nights so that people who cannot come on one night may be able to come others.

Suggested DVDs are Food Inc End of the Line GasLand and FLOW. These have all been shown at various other transition or sustainability events we have attended and we should be able to borrow most of them from within the Transition community. If not they are available from the ABC on-line shop (follow the links above for details about each film). Note that there is a lead time on some of these if they are not currently in stock.

Promotion could be through schools churches sporting and other clubs via  their newsletters; by letterbox drops; posters on community notice-boards; and by advertising in The Hills Echo.

The Hills Echo has the longest lead time. If we meet the advertising deadline of 1 July distribution starts 15 July so the first event would have to be after 20th July at the earliest. Similar deadlines apply to August. School holidays start on 17 September.

This email is just going to members of the management committee to start the thinking process. I will check availability of DVDs with members of other Transition groups at our meeting tonight. Hope to see you there!

There will obviously be some expense involved but it is not yet possible to establish a budget. I will work on this over the next couple of weeks if the committee approves the idea in principle.  I would also like to send an email similar to this to registered members of The Grove to see who is available to help out in various ways and to get feedback on preferred dates.

Questions comments suggestions and other feedback appreciated….


John Tennock

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