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Dear {usertag:name}

These are the Aims and Principles of Transition The Grove Inc taken from the Constitution.

The aims of the association are—
(1) To develop and implement an Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) for The Grove.
(2) To transition The Grove as a land and community into a resilient resource-sufficient place where residents and their descendants can live provide their food work and meet their essential needs in an oil-depleted carbon-reduced future.
(3) To celebrate and grow in strength and identity as a community with a strong ethic of caring and inclusion and journeying to a secure future together and to provide hope and encouragement.
(4) To identify the assets of The Grove and the part they play in an EDAP for The Grove and the resilience of The Grove; to develop ways to retain increase protect and preserve these assets.
(5) To identify the ecological constraints and values inherent in the eco-systems of The Grove its waterways and forests and its biodiversity and to learn develop and practice ways of living that work within these constraints and values.
(6) To identify and work cooperatively with existing community groups councils state and federal government representatives and active citizens in The Grove.
(7) To cooperate with nearby Transition Initiatives and the wider Transition network for mutual learning support and encouragement
4 Principles
(1) The primary focus is preparing an Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) for the
communities in The Grove and building a strong sense of community and regional
awareness in The Grove with an awareness of the principles involved in transition.
(2) Concerns about peak oil and other peak resources climate change and population growth underlie the urgent need to prepare an EDAP for The Grove.
(3) Domains of action need to be considered for the EDAP. The agreed domains of action are food energy water health transport re-creation education business economy & finance governance construction security environment resources management manufacturing & mining & forestry. Requests for additional domains of action will be considered by the management committee. They are listed on the Transition The Grove website
(4) Separate sub-groups will focus on each domain of action. Some sub-groups will start operating earlier but gradually there will be sub-groups working on all the domains of action. Sub-group members develop the ideas for the EDAP in that domain of action.
Members are all encouraged to participate actively in the association through one or more sub-groups according to their interest time talents and where they feel drawn to involvement.
(5) The management committee coordinates the EDAP input from the sub-groups applies for funding approves projects provides general administration and website management and organises community meetings and annual general meetings.
(6) The association is a not-for-profit association.
(7) Every resident of The Grove is recognised and valued by the association.
(8) The association is not aligned with any political party but can accept help and
sponsorship in which case the association acknowledges the source of assistance.
(9) The association is not aligned with any religious organization or cultural group but
respects the religious and cultural choices of residents in The Grove.
(10) The association does not accept paid advertising or marketing promotions but is
supportive of local businesses services and trades-people living and with businesses in The Grove seeing them as having an important part to play in an EDAP for The Grove.
(11) The association recognizes that many residents groups and businesses in The Grove have already begun to transition to reduced dependency on unsustainable energy sources.
(12) The scale and timing of the coming transition cannot be known in advance but may be abrupt and extreme.
(13) The transition response will need to include crisis preparation with attention to the community’s emotional and spiritual response to the challenges to lifestyles and accepted ways of being.
(14) The association doesn’t have a blueprint for successful transition. There are no
guarantees but the transition will involve adaptation learning experimentation
creativity visioning starting again adventuring into the unknown forging pathways and persisting in the face of difficult challenges.
(15) Diversity is a strength. A broad range of skills knowledge ability and experience is needed. Theoretical and practical knowledge is needed.
(16) Members are energised by their passion and desire to build a resilient future for
themselves and their descendants.
(17) No individual person will be able to undertake the transition to less energy
dependence without the support and efforts of others in the community working together for the same goal. The transition will require a strong self-aware community united in creating community resilience together.
(18) The Grove community consists of people of all ages and from a wide range of
backgrounds and needs and an EDAP for The Grove needs to be designed broadly and inclusively for the benefit of the whole community recognizing the spectrum of needs of individuals life-stages and seeking wide community involvement.
(19) There is an urgent need to put energy descent infrastructure in place within The
Grove but it has to be managed in a way that takes account of the magnitude of the
transition and the necessity for each individual to make it at a pace they can manage both
in understanding spirit emotions financially physical strength and energy.
(20) Members of the association are a community of individuals created equal and unique with responsibility for their own actions. They are expected to help and assist each other but not to be responsible for the consequences of actions or decisions made by another person. Each person has a responsibility for their own personal care and for attending sensibly and wisely to their own safety and welfare in a way that does not harshly interfere with the efforts of others to take responsibility for their own personal care and safety. All members of the association are first and foremost neighbours and local citizens as far as their duty of care for each other is concerned.
(21) The Grove is part of the wider community of Australia the State of Queensland and local councils. Members are subject to the laws and regulations of these dominions.


John Tennock


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