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Dear {usertag:name}

Welcome new member Claire Harrison to the Food & Gardening Health Education and Towards Zero Waste Subgroups. Claire makes a key local contribution through nutrition work. Claire came over for a garden tour and a long discussion on health matters. I very much look forward to having Claire with us to work on some health and food projects together.

The Food & Gardening Subgroup now has 38 members registered with it. The Health Subgroup has 32; the Education Subgroup 29 and the Towards Zero Waste Subgroup 16.  There is some overlap in membership between the subgroups.

There are several ways to start contacting and working with people in subgroups:

  • Go to the Groups tab on the Transition The Grove website and under Planning Groups find the subgroups you are registered with. It lists all the members of those groups. You can send the whole group a Group Bulletin or you can send an email to an individual group member (you won’t see their email address).
  • If you create a New Thread on any of the Forums you will automatically get any responses that anyone makes to the thread.
  • Why not use the Group Bulletin and the Add Event to the Community Calendar to arrange a gettogether of one of the subgroups you are in to meet the others in the group? We’re still at the ‘getting it all going stage’ – why not be part of the process and take an active role in making it happen?
  • If you want to organise something for a subgroup and would like one of these Transition The Grove Newsletters to go out about it drop us a line to

Once you start meeting people make some friends and work on some projects together.

Warm regards


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