The Grove is orange (in the second 50 hot postcodes as far as the number of dwellings with photovoltaics installed).

Congratulations South East Queensland on 24537 dwellings and 42863 kW of PV! (source Energex data for June 2010)
This map creates a PV ranking of postcodes by mashing together Energex PV data (Watts and PV installations) per postcode
and ABS 2006 census data of dwellings per postcode (so that bigger postcodes don’t have an unfair advantage
but postcodes with a lot of dwellings built since 2006 do get a boost in rankings)

The rankings and colouring represents a “heat map”.
red – the first 50 hottest postcodes with the most “PV Watts per dwelling”
[b]orange – the second 50 hot postcodes[/b]
green – the third 50 i.e. warmish postcodes of PV adoption
blue – the fourth 50 i.e. coolest postcodes of PV adoption