Be a Voice of Hope

For peace in our nation and world
Come Holy Spirit of Life
brood over our precious planet:
inspire us to live in peace
and harmony with each other.

For justice and all who suffer
Come Holy Spirit of Love
inscribe compassion on our hearts:
open our eyes ears and hearts
to the cries of those who suffer.

For protection of our environment
Come Holy Spirit of Energy
draw us into the wonder of creation:
stir within us a desire to live simply
so future generations will enjoy Go’d creation.

For fruitfulness in our work
Com Holy Spirit of Creativity
furture our talents gifts and potential:
affirm us in the work we do each day;
show us how we do make a difference.

For families and our own needs
Come Holy Spirit of Joy
fill our lives with renewed hope:
give us generous and courageous hearts;
encourage us to care for one another.