What the MySchool website does enable us to do is to make fairly accurate estimates about the numbers of students at schools in our valley.

3267 primary school students 1542 students at Ferny Grove State High School and 497 at Mitchelton State High School (in the next valley but most students from Keperra/ Grovely go there).

78 indigenous primary school students 31 at FGSHS 29 at Mitchelton SHS. Grovely State School has the most indigenous students (11% or 25) students.

School size as a percentage of the total students at schools in this valley:
Ferny Grove State School 26%
Patricks Rd State School 20%
Ferny Hills State School 16%
St Andrews School 15%
St Williams School 14%
Grovely State School 7%
Pine Community School 2%

Ferny Grove State High School: 76%
Mitchelton State High School: 24%

The ICSEA looks at the proportion of students in the Lowest Quarter the Middle Quarter (lower) the Middle Quarter (upper) and the Highest Quarter.

For the upper Kedron Brook valley schools they are:
Lowest Quarter 9%
Low Middle Quarter 24%
Upper Middle Quarter 42%
Highest Quarter 25%

Results for schools in the upper Kedron Brook valley schools ranged from substantially below SIM/ALL to below SIM or ALL to average with one school recording substantially above ALL.

None of these figures take any account of students who live in the upper Kedron Brook valley but commute to schools outside the valley.

Thinking about these results it seems that programs that focus on encouraging reading books have a lot to be said for them. Patricks Rd State School has been doing this and Arana Library (through a Moreton Bay Shire Council school holiday program) has a reading program to encourage this.