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Dear {usertag:name}

I’ve just been up to the studio at Radio YYY this morning ‘putting the program to bed’ for next week. The interview with you and your two songs are the main feature. I’ve broken it up into four sections.

Within the next few weeks the interview (with songs) will be available to download off the Radio YYY website for a few weeks then it will be removed. The interview will be available to download (and not removed) on the Transition The Grove website (Radio YYY link is on the Home page).

Thank you for doing the interview. It all went very well I thought and editing it last night it is very interesting to listen to. I hope you enjoy it!

I encourage you to join Transition The Grove and any of your staff who are locals too. In fact it would be great if your clients would like to join too if they are local around here but of course not in a way that we knew they were your clients.

It is a way for you and SIENA to increase your local contacts and visibility and also to network locally pretty easily. I’ve added a SIENA link on two Forums: Our Community – People with a disability; and Local Learning – Adults. By joining and having some SIENA threads reasonably active on the Forums you keep locals aware of the sorts of things you are doing.

I also encourage you to include the two themes of ‘local’ and ‘resilience’ in some of your SIENA activities. We’d always be happy to help. The community garden group might be a group you’d like to be aware of. I ran a course for U3A called Living Sustainably in the Suburbs which was great fun and you might like a mini-version of that sometime.

Joining is a straight-forward matter. You need to be adult (18 or over). The work you do for SIENA qualifies you to belong as it is making a significant contibution locally. The interest groups are if you want to get more involved and keep aware of what is happening locally on particular issues and meet other locals who are also interested in these issues.

Our membership privacy is carefully observed. If you nominate interest groups your name will be given to other members of those groups and they will be able to contact you directly but your phone and email are not given out. If you decide to join we regard it as an individual membership not a professional membership.

We hope to get down to the Open Day tomorrow but I’ve just been reminded we are babysitting our grandson most of the day so I’m not too optimistic…

Best wishes and thanks again


3851 1016

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