The weeds and black mould are always out to downgrade brick-paving. What can we do?

We don’t want to be spraying Roundup all the time. Even when we do the effect of it is quite brief. The weeds grow fast here. We also tried a salt and vinegar ‘solution’ – it killed the surface weeds but they regrew quickly. We don’t want a salt build-up in the garden.

Yesterday J. showed me a great technique for making a huge inroad into brick-paving weeds and it was very pleasant to do:

Get a low comfortable stool and a narrow paint scraper. Sit on the stool and scrape the paint scraper firmly in the crack between each brick dislodging any weeds and soil. Sweep up detritus.

Very relaxing and meditative. Not hard work. Can do a little bit at a time. The effect will last much longer than spraying. It looks very tidy afterwards.

Still looking for something for the mould.