Wash our hands thoroughly if we have to touch a public surface that others will have touched. Don’t touch our noses or mouths or food before we’ve washed our hands thoroughly.

Time to be profligate with toothbrushes. Throw old ones away often and get new clean ones. They carry germs and keep re-infecting.

Look after our immune systems. They’re our front line of defence.

Get enough sleep. Soldiering on is just a dangerous habit that infects others and makes it harder to get better. Resting in bed and keeping warm helps fight the bugs.

Lots of fluids and a little salt helps cough up phlegm.

Sneezing into a bent elbow to cover the face helps protect others without covering hands with virus to spread.

Antibiotics don’t help colds – the only increase the risk of the antibiotics becoming less effective against the bugs we need them to fight.