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Dear {usertag:name}

Please welcome new member Russell McCurdie (rustyknight) a long-time resident of Ferny Hills to the following sub-groups:

Recreation Transport Health Environment Education Energy Water and Security.

To start to know and work with the others in each Subgroup who share your local interest in this topic go to the Groups tab on the website log on and you can access information about the people in the same Subgroup as you.

To contact people in one of your Subgroups you can either post a Bulletin to the Subgroup or email with details that you want sent out in one of these newsletters. You can also reply to threads in a Forum or start new Forum threads in any Forum.

The start of 2011 has certainly developed in a way that challenges resilience and has given us a lot to think about in regard to water. Can we start thinking how we want to translate what we have learned from this into local lessons and local action?

A good place to start tossing in some ideas is on the Members Forum on the Transition The Grove website.

Remember any of you can initiate action – the website is a tool to use for local discussions and action to build a resilient community here.

Warm regards

Anne Tennock

Subgroup Coordinator

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