I’m sure we all recognise that way of talking to us when a health professional talks to us in a tone of voice that shouts that they are not conversing with us as an equal but as someone they pity because we are old. It makes it very difficult to conduct a serious discussion on an issue.

There are ways past this of course but they often involve being pretty blunt to the health professional about their behaviour.

“Excuse me. Why are you speaking to me in a ‘pitying’ tone of voice? Can we stick to the issues here and not be ageist.”

Making a complaint would be quite appropriateand although heavy handed would raise the issue in the mind’s of professionals so they became aware of how they are the problem not the old person. [url=http://www.transitionthegrove.org.au/index.php/forums/qld-government/3705-anti-discrimination-commis]Anti-Discrimination Commission of Queensland [/url]