The vagus nerve is very important to know about and have functioning well.

It goes down the centre of our bodies and is involved in many vital bodily functions including the heartbeat and the formation of stomach acid. Basically it effects everything in digestion from the mouth throat (& voice production) stomach heart lungs liver gut right through to the functioning of the anus.

By any count we must pay attention to the functioning of the vagus nerve.

How can we ‘self-maintain’ the vagus nerve? Easily it turns out. It is easy to do ourselves.

The manipulation site for this nerve is halfway between the bottom of the sternum and the belly-button. Pressing inwards and downwards to the left with both thumbs firmly stimulates the vagus nerve.

If it is out of whack the spot will be tender. Pressing firmly on it for about 30 seconds should settle it down.

Constipated? Giving the vagus nerve a good rub can be part of the program to overcome constipation.
Bloated? Giving the vagus nerve a good rub may release copious gas through belching.
Hiatal hernia? (This is where part of the stomach pops above the diaphragm – where it most definitely shouldn’t be – and can press on the vagus nerve and cause heart problems; it can result in gastric reflux; it can make breathing more difficult (?asthmic?)) Give the vagus nerve a good press in and downwards and get the stomach settled back down well below the diaphragm.
Heart? A ‘fat’ gut in the middle just below the ribs is known for being a risk for the heart. The vagus nerve provides a possible explanation. If there is a hiatal hernia it can press on the vagus nerve feeding the heart.
Voice weak or hoarse? There are a lot of voice exercises which can help but include giving the vagus nerve a good stimulate by pressing on the spot between sternum & belly-button.