Three women all over 50 found ourselves sharing a common problem and talking with great energy about it together.

We all had problems with our bellies. Irritable painful tender.

Diagnosis was tentative – ?[url=]diverticulitis[/url] [url=]colitis[/url] [url=]Crohn’s Disease[/url]?

We’d all been seeing doctors about it. I’d twice been prescribed [url=]Clamoxyl[/url] Duo Forte (Augmentin) by 2 different doctors 18 months apart. Both times it settled down the particular attack but left me still a bit tender. The second doctor was very concerned (I slept for days and was very weak. He kept telling my husband that if I had any bleeding from the bowel or vomiting or if my belly went hard to go straight to emergency that diverticulitis could be lethal if the bowel perforated. He wanted me to come back because he wanted to send me to a bowel surgeon. My husand and I both thought he seemed very surgery-focused which we are definitely not and would want to avoid almost at all cost. So we haven’t been back to him.)

One woman was seeing a gastroenterologist and he had put her on a diet that was low in fructose and some other sugars.

We talked about [url=]phytates[/url] from grains legumes soya … and their possible involvement.

If lots of people are experiencing very similar symptoms we need to find out what is causing it.