You have to make up your own mind but this was his journey:

by Ron Gellatley

Avoid doctors like the plague. Don’t go down the radiation radical surgery chemotherapy drugs path.
Never mind the drugs. Drugs all have side effects. What about you!
Don’t have biopsies. They release cancer cells.
Don’t tell people you have cancer. They’ll be sorry for you and reinforce hopelessness
Build up a fund of happy experiences
“Every day in every way I get better and better” affirmation
Success is getting what you are always thinking about. Success is the reward for thinking certain thoughts again and again.
What goes round comes round. What you put out is what you get back. Every time. No exceptions. The rule applies to us all.
If you can change your thoughts you can change your world.
Find a way to focus on health.
“Look at me…Healthy!”
Change your deep-down beliefs.
People who get rich understand that wealth comes from giving other people what they want. To become wealthy you must first give.
You are the audience. You are the producer the main actor the projectionist you own the movie theatre. You are in charge. You have the power to change the film to change the ending. You can change the script.
Stop being the victim for heaven’s sake!
Decide to put yourself in charge.
Get relaxed. Count down into an alpha state. Tighten every muscle tense let go. Work through your body tensing and letting go.
Visualize draining all the toxins from your body. See them draining out of you. Let them flush away.
Count down ten nine eight seven…deeper deeper deeper.
Let yourself be flooded with healing light. Connect it in through your head and let it flood through your whole being into your cleansed empty body. This is the healing energy of the universe. Let it flood your whole being. Let yourself become one with the Cosmic Mind.
You are in control. No matter what it seems you can do something.
Meditate repeating a mantra a single word
Listen to subliminal healing tapes (order form at the back of the book to Cargo Press $8)
Relax down counting from 10 to 1. Switch on the tape and listen. Repeat each message. Say to yourself “I want health. I deserve health.”
Morning and evening. Preferably in the same place without disturbance. No phone calls. No TV or visitors or radio.
You can put the tape on a tape recorder with an automatic reverse mode and an under-the-pillow microphone so it will keep playing all night.
“You do not have cancer. You are recovering from cancer”
Your emotions are felt by your cells. Cancer cells hate happy positive emotions.
Get hold of funny videos and have a good laugh.
Smile with your eyes. Go on. Try it. Smile just with your eyes. It is impossible to feel angry if your eyes are smiling. Crinkle up your eyes. Make them sparkle with humour. You will feel happier your anger will dissipate. It goes away.
Look after you.
If all else fails…eat properly! Your body doesn’t need sugar alcohol. It needs vitamins mineral rich foods. Cut down dramatically on cakes biscuits chocolates. Not too much meat and milk.
When you are sick or stressed you need lots and lots of Vitamin C. If you take too much you can tell because you get diarrhoea. He took up to 25 grams a day! (Mum did too)
Cancer patients tend to be low in Vitamin A. Beta-Carotene is the best natural source and your body converts it to vitamin A.
He takes 3000iu of Vitamin E every day and pycnogel (grape seeds)
Acidopholus for good bacteria in our bowels