Diabetes (two main types Type 1 and Type 2) is caused by the body producing too little insulin because the pancreas cells that produce it have been destroyed (Type 1) or because the cells in the body that need insulin to take up glucose from the blood no longer repond properly.

It leads to poor blood sugar control.

Complications are ulcers amputations blindness cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis.

It is the 6th leading cause of death in Australia.

Type 2 diabetes costs Australia $3billion/year.

About 275 Australians develop the disease/day. About 1000000 Australians have been diagnosed with the disease. Another 700000 are estimated to have the disease without knowing it. Type 2 diabetes is the most common.

Fracture-related issues are very relevat for people with diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes receiving insulin treatment are at higher risk of falls and fractures. A common class of diabetes drug (glitazone – Avandia – rosiglitazone) weakens bones.

Avandia is also linked to increased risk of heart attacks.

This is no advertisement for drug therapy!

On the positive side Metformin a drug used in diabetes treatment since the 1950s has been shown to reduce cancer incidence rates. Cancers whose growth depends partly on insulin (colon lung breast prostate) show about half the expected numbers of cases among Metformin takers. Metformin is off-patent.

We can’t produce diabetes drugs such as Avandia or Metformin here locally but we can pay attention to the diet and exercise issues that are recognised causes of diabetes.