NatHERS the [url=]National House Energy Rating Scheme[/url] is a Federal scheme that will start applying from mid next year.

Residential properties will be rated with a star rating with a certification of the home’s thermal comfort on a scale from 0 to 10. Above 5 is good energy efficiency.

It will be mandatory when selling or renting and is expected to cost $300 or more to obtain the certificate.

NatHERS enables the design of a home to be assessed by skilled professionals using sophisticated computer modeling programmes to improve the quality of design and achieve building approvals.

A dwelling can be rated before or after it is built. The rating depends on:

* the layout of the home
* the construction of its roof walls windows and floor
* the orientation of windows and shading to the sun’s path and local breezes
* how well these suit the local climate.

Energy consumption by hot water systems lights or household appliances is not part of the rating because those fittings are usually replaced several times during the life of the building.
What the stars mean

* Zero stars means the building shell does practically nothing to reduce the discomfort of hot or cold weather.
* A 5 star rating indicates good but not outstanding thermal performance.
* Occupants of a 10 star home are unlikely to need any artificial cooling or heating.

Typical ratings

Houses built in 1990 averaged about 1 star on the NatHERS scale. Before the introduction of national energy efficiency regulations for houses in 2003 less than one per cent of Australian houses achieved 5 stars.

Many well designed houses are now being built above 6 stars or more and examples are available on []Your Home[/url]