Long-Necked Turtle. 4 or 5 turtle species around here (2 long 2 short). We don’t get the pest Slider Turtles around here but they are in Pine Rivers. All the native turtles put their heads to the side tucked under the edge of the shell not drawing them in. The LNT grows to plate size. He’s plain underneath. The other Long-Necks (Eastern Long Necks) are banded underneath get on roads and are known as ‘stinkers’. The bone and the ribs are bonded together to form a scaly plate. As they grow the scales are shed to enable them to grow. In the wild they often have a lot of moss on them. The proper name is ‘turtle’ not ‘tortoise’ or ‘terrapin’.

The Mt Nebo couple have ‘terrapins’ in their dam no web feet huge feet. The nails were absolutely huge. They found it in the swimming pool and relocated it to the dam. The Wildlife lady couldn’t identify it.

“The amount of water/ rain up on Mt Nebo in the last few months has changed the wildlife incredably.”