93 Narellan Street Ferny Hills: Magpie mosaic mural

39 Hutton Rd Ferny Hills: Gargoyle on wall

Bob Cassimaty Park on Samford Rd: great mural of Mountains to Mangroves

Ferny Grove State High School Art & Craft Centre external wall: Aboriginal murals

90 Patricks Rd Arana Hills. Mural on garage door

Traffic light boxes with murals on them:
Cnr Samford Rd and Settlement Rd
Cnr Samford Rd and Upper Kedron Rd
Cnr Samford Rd and Claverton St
Cnr Samford Rd and Tramway St
Cnr Samford Rd and Arbor St
Cnr Samford Rd and Ferny Way
Cnr Patricks Rd and Bringelly St
Cnr Patricks Rd and Nepean Ave
Cnr Dawson Pde and Nepean Ave
Dawson Pde outside Grovely State School
Dawson Pde opposite Leslie Patrick Park


QLD Education Centre by rail line in central Keperra has murals on back walls.