ULP prices:
Caltex/Woolworths 577 Settlement Rd & Samford Rd 4054 Keperra 13/02/11 7:39 AM 141.9c/litre

Mobil (7 Eleven) Samford Rd & Dawson Pde 4054 Keperra 13/02/11 4:00 AM 141.9c/litre

This is a sample only of the information you can get searching [url=http://motormouth.com.au/pricesearch.aspx]MotorMouth[/url]. You have to choose the fuel type first.

I searched by postcode (4055) and it came up with nearby postcodes as well but not all the fuel stations within either 4055 or 4054.

I tried searching by suburb (Arana Hills) and it came up with nothing.