Ecological Conversion:
The global climate change debate cannot become just another opportunity for some groups—usually affluent advocates from the developed nations—to blame the problem on population growth in poor countries. Historically the industrialized countries have emitted more greenhouse gases that warm the climate than have the developing countries. Affluent nations such as our own have to acknowledge the impact of voracious consumerism instead of simply calling for population and emissions controls from people in poorer nations.

US Catholic Bishops Conference Global Climate Change 2001.

Close the Gap Day is 24 March. It is an initiative which enables Australians to show their commitment to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation. Schools and parishes can get involved in Close the Gap Day and when you register an event you can get free resources including posters and a DVD. You can register by going to Close the Gap Day

The Queensland Nuclear-Free Alliance will host a free workshop considering the ethics of uranium mining the viability of nuclear power in Australia and the on-going relationship with the USA militarily. The workshop will be held on Saturday 16 April 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the CEPU Building 41 Peel Street South Brisbane. For enquiries ring 0411 118 737 or e-mail

21 Mar
UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Mar 21
Harmony Day – go to

22 Mar
World Water Day