I received this posting and thought I should share it:

“The inaugural forum on Australia’s food security will be hosted by leading radio broadcaster Alan Jones.

The forum — the first in a series of rallies to be held across the Australian inland — will be held at the Oakey Cultural Centre on Thursday August 4 from 6.45pm.

Mr Jones has chosen Oakey for the inaugural forum since it is located right next to Acland the small town where he grew up and which is part of the same Darling Downs food bowl that is now doomed to go under the bulldozers for the massive stage three expansion by New Hope Coal.

Acland was described recently in a national newspaper editorial as ‘the parable of modern Australia’.

The event will be sponsored by the Oakey Coal Action Alliance one of the numerous protest groups that have been formed across rural Queensland and New South Wales to fight the widespread destruction of farmland and fragmentation of rural communities and country towns by the coal mining and coal seam gas industries.

There will be a panel of speakers at this important event including leading politicians environmentalists academics and farmers. This will be followed by community discussion and questions from the floor.

A large contingent of protest groups drawn from right across Queensland will also attend.”
