Here is the formula for calculating your household’s annual carbon footprint.

Electricity: Annual total kWh x 20 =

Natural gas: Annual total Mj x 1.2 =

LPG (inc BBQ gas): Annual total litres x 32 =

Petrol: Annual total Litres x 48 =

Diesel: Annual total Litres x 54 =

Air travel: Annual total km x 26 =

If you use an open wood fire: 16000

If you don’t recycle your waste such as paper bottles cans and packaging: 16000

If you do not compost your garden waste: 8000

Annual household expenses
(EXCLUDING power travel food rent/mortgage and savings but including everything else): $ x 10

Food: Number of people in household x 90000

TOTAL: (Add up all the above amounts)

Divide by 20000 to convert TOTAL to tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per annum