We’ve made a huge green shadecloth curtain for the outside of the house on the main sun side at the back. It goes right across the top level of the house shading the brick walls and the windows.

It was easy to make. We bought a long length of plastic rope and sewed it into one side of the shadecloth. It sewed in easily on the machine.

Then drilled holes in the walls outside the windows and put in tiger bolt hooks to attach the rope to.

The final touch was to hook it through existing air holes in the eaves with bent paperclips!!

It is working brilliantly to stop the sun and is making the inside of the house markedly cooler with a very pleasant light.

An added bonus is more privacy too.

We already had an 8 metre roll of shadecloth left from another project but it wouldn’t have cost much to buy anyway compared to the value of this adaptation.