Heard on Radio National this morning an interview with a woman who has written a book about going off alcohol for a year. She seems to have done her research into the topic.

She said: 1 in 5 cases of breast cancer in women are directly linked to alcohol. Alcohol is a Group 1 carcinogen in the same category as smoking and asbestos.

She talked about giving up alcohol for a period: Alcohol-free February; 3 months; 6 months; a year….
The health and feel-good benefits are immediate but she found the most difficult part dealing with social situations with friends who all drank heavily. She said there seemed to be a social contract to all get as drunk as each other and disclose as much together. They were less trusting of her if she didn’t get drunk and they did.

Might be time to find out what the people who aren’t binge drinkers are doing and make some new friends among them!