109 members turned up to a passionate debate at the AGM at 9am on Sunday morning. There were also 108 proxies.

The Club has over 12000 members now.

There were 16 nominations for the Board this year and all won a good number of votes.

There was strong debate over some motions. The quality of the debate was very high. Speakers for and against spoke well and clearly arguing the issue and they were well-listened to. It says a lot for the club.

One man who spoke said: The Club is bigger than everyone now – the Football Club the Leagues Club the community.

Another man who spoke said: When the Founding Members built th original club they put their houses up as a loan. It is this spirit that must be maintained. The Leagues Club was built for the players for the kids to have a decent paddock to run around in.

Financial times have been hard this year with the global financial crisis affecting both club and personal finances.

Peter Gleeson resigned as President.

The club is a Community Benefit Fund supporting junior sport and the community at large. During the year they have provided support to a lot of local clubs and organisations.

The club’s school-based traineeship program with Ferny Grove Senior High School graduated 19 players this year and 20 are enrolled for next year.

The gaming limit changes that are being considered by the Ministerial Advisory Committee reporting to the State Government have big potential implications for the club.

Murray Watt MP Member for Everton attended the AGM.