We just did a two-day Servas Peace workshop and it has been paradigm-changing for us. The overwhelming realisation was how unskilled we are at the language of peace (and how skilled at the language of violence).

The highlight was watching a DVD on The Basics of Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Rivetting stuff. He works on framing statements that are observations of what is happening (we have SO much to learn!) then how we feel about it (once again SO much to learn) then a request for what we want the other person to do (once again SO much to learn to get away from bossing manipulating guilt trips shame tripsthreatening…)

The Relaxation Centre in Alderley (15 South Pine Rd Alderley (between Alderley Ave and Wakefield St) has someone trained to teach NVC (Cate Crombie). 3856 3733 relaxcentreofqld@powerup.com.au www.relaxationcentreqld.org And she has two ‘sessions’ coming up. Understanding and an Overview of NVC. Friday 27th July 7-9:30pm $5. (Need to book). The second session is a full weekend: Compassionate Communication (NVC Workshop) Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th August 9:30am-5:00pm (both days) $145 (Book with full fee or deposit of $45. Bring lunch to share)

We’re going to drop in to the Relaxation Centre and buy a copy of the DVD set that we saw yesterday to have. Reckon it would make a great Christmas present for all our kids!

This feels like a new learning door opening.