So what do they do to clean you out beforehand?

The colon cleanse approach that is promoted a lot in the market seems to sell itself on gruesome images of our bodies being full of impacted faeces. At which everybody cringes and runs off and buys products.

I’d like to see medical research evidence about the state of the nation’s colons first.

What are the actual effects of a massive purge of the bowel? Certaily it would feel like you are taking action in relation to your gut. Impressive. Lots of trips to the loo. Like emptying your desk of papers then you promptly fill it up again? But what is it actually achieving apart from the marketing hype?

What effect does it have on the gut flora? Unless the colon cleanse has some antibiotic or sterilizing process I suspect the same gut flora will regrow back up. Surely that would have to be carefully managed medically.

The question then is more whether our own gut flora are a mix which is good for our health or if our own mix has got baddies in that are causing gut problems.

What do the gastroenterologists do to deal with the baddies first? Or do they just do a gut cleanse then replace with a better mix and the better mix dominates?