Peak demand for electricity is a pressing issue. Peak electricity demand is soaring in South East Queensland and until recently the only response to continued and rapid growth in this peak demand has been to spend millions of dollars to build new network capacity much of which is only required on a few days of each year.

[b]Peak demand happens on about 15 days a year between the hours of 4pm and 8pm.[/b] These are when temperatures and humidity soar and air-conditioners and pool pumps (to filter swimming pools) are being heavily used at the same time that people are arriving home from work and cooking dinner and turning on computers and TV.

Spending millions of dollars and building new coal-fired carbon-emitting power stations so we could all have unlimited supplies of electricity for a few weeks a year would be completely unsustainable.

Getting rid of peaks in demand is definitely a good way for the future.

Peak demand reduction involves us all adopting behaviours that enable us to conserve energy particularly during the very hottest days of the year.

Energex is doing its bit with trial programs.
[ul]Energy conservation communities
Commercial and industrial initiative
Residential targeted initiatives
Peak rate rewards trial[/ul]

The Cool Change – Energy Smart Suburbs trial is now in its 4th year involving around 2000 residents including some locally in this area. It involves installing technology that allows Energex to reduce the energy use of pool pumps and air conditioners during peak times while maintaining reliable operation.

During air-conditioner cycling the air-conditioner compressor is switched off for between 7 to 10 minutes every half hour during selected peak times. The air-conditioner’s fan continues to operate as normal.

Pool pumps are only cycled for 3 to 4 hours depending on when the peak occurs.

During the trial the cycling of air-conditioners and pool pumps occurs between 1 December and 31 March.

In the 2009/2010 summer in the trial air-conditioners were cycled on 11 occasions and pool pump devices on 8 occasions. A 13% reduction in peak energy demand was achieved on the hottest day of the 2009/2010 summer (Thursday 10 December 2009 when the official temperature reached 32.5 degrees in Brisbane). The summer was a mild one for South East Queensland.

Energex has been awarded in this year’s Premier’s ClimateSmart Sustainability Awards with the Innovation in ClimateSmart Technologies Award for the pool pump device.

The pool pump device allows management of pool filtration electrical demand in a way that enjoys strong support from the Queensland pool industry. The Swimming Pool and Spa Association’s (SPASA) Queensland State Manager David Close said: “SPASA Queensland has been very pleased with the work of Energex to create a solution that’s a win for the pool owner a win for the pool industry and a win for the environment.”

Feedback from participants in the pool pump trial has been very positive:

[ul]”At no stage have I ever had to think about the trial. That may sound odd but it’s been a pleasure absolutely zero problems or hassles. It’s nice to be involved in something that’s having a positive impact without having major side effects.” SH from Arana Hills.

“We have been happy to participate because we hope this will eventually help to cut electricity cost to the whole community. Receiving the house check power saving bulbs and the cheque is just a bonus.” LRD from Arana Hills.[/ul]

[ul]94% did not feel a significant impact on their comfort levels during the air-conditioner cycling periods.
59% changed their pool filtering time as a result of the pool pump trial mostly outside of the peak demand period.
Generally customers feel more educated about peak demand as an issue and feel that the trial has made them think more about saving electricity around the home.[/ul]

In March 2010 Energex launched the energy conservation communities (ECC) program – an energy conservation and demand management initiative which builds upon the success of Cool Change.

The commercial and industrial initiative involves Energex in working with energy consultants who can help commercial and industrial customers investigate customised energy conservation and demand management based solutions which best suit individual business operational requirements improve the management of business energy needs reduce peak demand conserve overall energy and deliver more sustainable business practices.

Residential Targeted Initiatives consists of a number of integrated projects guided towards the creation of a new ‘business as usual’ model for effectively delivering the power needs of Energex residential customers into the future. The initiative will provide a blueprint for implementing next-generation energy management processes and devices across SE QLD household to assist customers in using electricity efficiently within their homes.

Peak Rate Rewards trial is the first major trial to investigate how peak demand tariffs influence electricity consumption habits in QLD. A joint initiative between Energex and Ergon Energy the trial aims to better understand how varying electricity prices at different times of the day may be used to encourage customers to alter their electricity usage especially during the 15 peak demand days of the year between the hours of 4pm and 8pm.