I had a very unusual experience today and searched the Internet for an answer which I found.

For the last week I’ve had a bad cold with a lot of yellow phlegm probably on my chest maybe a touch of pneumonia.

This morning (for quite unrelated reasons – clearing out the fridge trying out recipes) I made a big teapot of ginger and parsley tea. Chopped up about an inch of fresh ginger root and a handful of parsley leaves and steeped them in boiling water for 5 minutes. I’ve been drinking cup fulls of it all day.

During the afternoon a girlfriend came over but when trying to talk to her I suddenly started coughing and had to race to the bathroom. I literally coughed up about a cup full of thick phlegm in one continuous coughing burst. It was coming up so fast I was struggling not to choke on it coming up and find a way to get some air down as well. Much better to have it out than in but I have never had an experience like that before.

Seems from the research it must be the ginger tea I drank. Here’s the info I found:

Asthma is a chronic pulmonary disease that is caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes or airways. Asthma symptoms may subside after treatment with an expectorant because expectorants help reduce the mucous that lines the air passages causing the airways to widen and making it easier for the asthmatic to breathe. Naturist treatments with expectorants may reduce airway inflammation and help asthmatics live healthier lives.

Ginger Roots
1. Some naturalists consider gingerroot to be the single greatest treatment for expectorant asthma. Ginger has been used for centuries to loosen mucous in the lungs and airways. A great way to enjoy the natural benefits of ginger is to boil it for several minutes and let it steep with a cup of hot tea served with honey. If you do not like the taste of ginger then you may try radish root instead and prepare it the same way (boiled with tea).
Fruits Seeds Oils
2. Fruits and seeds serve as natural expectorants as well especially fennel. Fennel seeds can help relieve chest mucous; herbalists often recommend that asthmatics use them as snacks. Chew a handful of fennel seeds throughout the day to help make coughs more productive and to open the bronchial passageways. Another snack for asthmatics that helps relieve mucous is dried grape seeds. If seeded grapes are soaked overnight in milk you can remove the seeds the following day and chew each one slowly.
Many herbal remedies also may help breathing. Many herbalists who are also asthmatics swear by using hot tea and honey as both are supposed to work as decongestants and open airways making it easier to breathe. Chamomile tea infused with honey is a particular favorite and it is recommended that asthmatics have at least one cup of hot tea with honey per day (and sometimes several depending on the severity of their asthma). Other herbal remedies that act as bronchodilators (airway openers) and decongestants are ginger root or a teaspoon full of tumeric with a glass of milk (two times per day) hot water infused with licorice root (left to soak for 10 minutes then strained) to drink once per day.

A healthy snack for an asthmatic is dry grapes soaked in cold milk for half an hour. Herbalists also recommend dropping a few drops of juniper oil in water to inhale. Whatever herbal remedy you decide is right for your asthma don’t hesitate to seek emergency care if you feel your symptoms flaring out of control.

Read more: Asthma Prevention With Naturist Treatment | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5184309_asthma-prevention-naturist-treatment.html#ixzz1AKUJbLKf

Read more: Naturist Treatment For Expectorant Asthma | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5431738_naturist-treatment-expectorant-asthma.html#ixzz1AKRIAz8p