Net Interstate and Overseas Migration (NIOM) accounts for a large proportion of the population growth in QLD.

Currently population growth in QLD is about half from Net Overseas Migration about a quarter from Net Interstate Migration and about a quarter from Natural Increase.

In the one decade 2001-2010 net migration to QLD (616162 people) was equal to the total net migration in the 114 years 1860-1974.

After an initial small wave of net migration to QLD between 1860 and 1899 it dropped right away rising only a little then going negative during World War II. After the War it rose quite sharply but dropped away again during the 1960s.

Then it started rising very steeply with only one reduction in pace in the late 1990s before rising almost vertically during the first decade of the 21st century.

Increasingly now the NIOM is dominated by Net Overseas Migration (immigrants coming directly from overseas) which is running at about double Net Interstate Migration and about double Natural Increase.

Population doubling time of NIOS: It took 128 years to get the 1st million NIOS up to 1988 but only 19 years to get the 2nd million NIOS in 2007. We are well on our way to the 3rd million.

QLD’s population has doubled more than 6 times (a 31-fold increase) from what it was in 1860.