Paul Gilding
The Cockatoo Chronicles. No 26
[url=]The Great Disruption has arrived[/url]

Why didn’t more of us see it coming? After all the signals have been clear enough – signals that the ecological system that supports human society is hitting its limits groaning under the strain of an economy simply too big for the planet. But we didn’t and as a result the time to act preventatively has past.

Now we must brace for impact. Now comes The Great Disruption.

It is true that the coming years won’t be pleasant as our society and economy hits the wall and then realigns around what was always an obvious reality: You cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. Not ‘should not’ or ‘better not’ but cannot.

We can however get through what’s ahead – if we prepare. I wrote my forthcoming book The Great Disruption to help us do that. My conclusion in writing it was this: not only can we make it through we can come out the other side in better shape.