Reading this and now I’ve got my belly-ache settled back down again maybe I should add one more thing that I ‘did’ this week that might have helped if it has a parasite component.

Hubby was walking down the road and had a chat with an Indian bloke called Ron and Ron gave him quite a handful of two fresh herbs from his garden: “strong basil” and “curry”. He said: “Give the strong basil to kids when they’re little and they’ll never have worms.”

Anyway I ate a couple of leaves of it. They were strong. And I added the rest to the chicken broth I made.

So if it is a dewormer I’ve probably been dewormed this week.

If parasites are part of the gut problems I’ve been having “strong basil” might have helped reduce their load!

I also put a lot of fresh garlic in the chicken broth and that is another anti-parasitic.