[url= http://www.quitnow.gov.au/internet/quitnow/publishing.nsf]QuitNow[/url]

Within 12 hours after quitting almost all nicotine has been metabolised.

Within 24 hours after quitting blood levels of carbon monoxide have dropped dramatically meaning there is more haemoglobin to carry oxygen to your body.

Within 5 days after quitting most nicotine by-products have been removed. Sense of taste and smell improve.

Within 6 weeks after quitting risk of wound infectino after surgery substantially reduced.

Within 3 months after quitting cilia begin to recover. Your lungs regain the ability to clean themselves and overall lung function improves.

Within 1 year after quitting risk of coronary heart disease is halved.

Within 5 years after quitting risk of cancers of the mouth throat and aesophagus halved.

Within 10 years after quitting risk of lung cancer less than half.

Within 15 years after quitting risk of coronary heart disease same as a non-smoker. Risk of stroke reduced.

Within 20 years after quitting age-related macular degeneration same as someone who never smoked.

Quitting at age 50 halves your risk of smoking-related death but quitting by age 30 avoids almost all of the excess risk. Stopping at age 60 50 40 or 30 can result in gains respectively of about three six nine or 10 years of life expectancy.2

In addition to benefiting your own health quitting could also improve the health of your family. Similarly by saving the money you used to spend on cigarettes quitting could also benefit you and your family financially.