Pastors: Glenn Brodie and Don McLellan
Administrator: Trevor Walsh
Church details: 980 Samford Rd Keperra.
Phone: 3355 7639
Church office: weekdays (or please leave a message)

Sunday Worship:
9:30am. A service of worship with a variety of lively singing Bible readings and prayer with a sermon applying Bible teaching to life.

6:30pm A more relaxed service of contemporary worship with bright music and a life-related message based from the Bible.

Cry Room. A Cry Room is situated off the foyer with a one way glass window and sound system enabling parents to take babies out of the main service but not miss anything.

Hearing Loop. For the benefit of those who have a hearing aid.

Nursery. The Nursery caters for pre school aged children during the 9:30am service. The children leave for nursery about 15 minutes into the service where they are looked after by two adults.

Kidz Club for boys and girls from kindy age to Year 7 meets each Sunday between 9:50am – 10:45am during school terms. Children have time of learning bible stories through puppets games drama songs and craft. Morning tea is provided on conclusion.

Youth Group for high schoolers meets for various activities bible studies fun and fellowship. Youth Group usually meets on Friday nights with other special event activities and a camp arranged throughout the year.

Young Adults for ages 18 to 25 meet for various activities throughout the year.

Women’s Ministries. Women meet for fellowship social gatherings dinners camps and other events which are arranged periodically.

Men’s Ministries. Men meet for fellowship meals working bees sporting events and occasional social outings.

Prayer Ministry. Wednesday evenings 7:30pm. If you have a need for prayer we are happy to pray for you. Enquiries: Jerry Wilson 3351 6627. Also KBC Ladies Prayer Chain.

Adult Bible Group. The Adult Bible Class meets each Sunday between 8:30-9:15am during school terms. This is an opportunity to get together to study the Bible and learn.

Adult Get Togethers. Varied functions arranged to give you an opportunity to meet and build friendships with other adults within our church family.

New Attendees. Each Term our new attendees are invited to an outing to meet our Pastors and Deacons informally. This is a good time to ask questions and to get to know some of our fellowship a little better.

YAH (Young at Heart). Over 50’s meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 9:30-11:00am. They share experiences special interest programs coffee company and a lot of fun.

Holiday Club. For all primary school children. Usually during the mid year school holidays. Free for all the children. Subject to the availability of a team to make this even possible.

Christmas Activities: Cafe Keperra. A free program for people in the community to join us to enjoy free entertainment and supper. Carols. A chance for the community to join us with children’s activities free sausage sizzle followed by our Carols and entertainment with a Christmas message.

Creative Team. We are very blessed with a team of talented people to lead our worship services each Sunday. The creative team are also heavily involved in our Christmas program. There is always opportunity for our regular worshippers to join our team.

Home Groups. These groups have been formed to enable us to study the Bible care and share together. Groups meet on various days and nights and in various suburbs. They are made up of many different ages so there is bound to be a group to suit everyone. All are encouraged to be involved in a group if possible and newcomers are warmly welcomed.

Cuppa and Chat Time. After the morning service we have time to get to know each other. Some evening services are followed by After Church Coffee either at a home or a venue previously determined.

Boys’ Brigade:
[ul]Anchors – aged 6-8
No. 1 Section (Juniors) – aged 8-12
No. 2 Section (Seniors) – Alpha aged 12-14; Omega aged 15-18[/ul]

Girls’ Brigade:
[ul]Cadets (Prep – year 3)
Juniors (Years 4-6)
Seniors (Years 7-9)
Pioneers (Years 10-12)[/ul]

Tiny Soccer

Bread Run Fresh Fruit & Veg Non Perishable Foods


Pastoral Care Team

Pastoral Needs – people to call.

Christmas Hampers