[url=http://www.abc.net.au/elections/federal/2010/guide/dick.htm]Results for Dickson[/url] Peter Dutton LNP re-elected. Swings of 4.8% to The Greens 3.6% to LNP 3.1% to Rebecca Jenkinson. Swing against ALP 10.7%

[url=http://www.abc.net.au/elections/federal/2010/guide/ryan.htm]Results for Ryan[/url]Jane Prentice LNP elected. Swings of 9.1% to The Greens. (Michael Johnson recorded a swing of 8.5% but this was artificial because he was treated as if he wasn’t previously a candidate). Swing against ALP 13.5% against LNP 1.2% (confusion once again with split vote with Michael Johnson)

Swings nationally: To The Greens 4.0% to Coalition 1.5% against ALP 5.4%

Senate for Queensland[/url] Elected: George Henry Brandis LNP Joe Ludwig ALP Barnaby Joyce LNP Jan McLucas ALP Larissa Waters Aust.Greens Brett Mason LNP